
Welcome Girls and Guys that want love Kluduro. Well done! Kluduro aka Music Kluduro, is a musical and dance genre founded in Africa peculiarly in Angola since 25 of May of 2010 by a community named of: Kluduristas


This is a good musical and dance genre of Angola /O que é Kluduro? Sejam bem-vindos/as a Kludurolândia : Um mundo onde só se fala de Kluduro! Kluduro é um género musical e de dança criado em Angola desde 25 de Maio de 2010, por uma comunidade denominada por : Kluduristas! Relativamente, chama-se Kludurista, a qualquer pessoa que faça esse género de Música ou de Dança. É uma nova proposta musical que visa determinar uma nova abordagem da Arte meramente livre assim como, descobrir-se novos modus operandi que irão trazer uma perspectiva sem igual dentro desta estrita teia musical circunda-nos afavelmente. Kluduro para além de ser um género de Arte também pode-se considerar como um estilo de vida, pautando na originalidade, criatividade, autenticidade, diversidade, musicalidade e na simplicidade pois que abraça essa identidade musical, acarreta de igual modo um identidade musical de o/a difira doutrem então ser Kludurista, significa fazer ou sentir Kluduro. Realcemos de que também é uma nova corrente musical que estará muito presente na vida das angolanas e dos angolanos cuja, ideologia musical toca aos princípios da liberdade musical ou artística caso prefiramos a considerar. Kluduro quanto suas letras e composições em sua originalidade, é constituído por refrães, rimas e nalgumas vezes versos musicais cantados ou declamados musicalmente e não esquecendo-se dum pequeníssimo detalhe tais formas são cantadas ou proclamadas de uma forma rápida, trazendo cadência que lhas são características. Não obstante, composto por recursos de várias naturezas, quaisquer Kluduristas que seja deverá mostrar-se com uma inexplicável ambição que far-lhe-á chegar ao pico de sua criatividade musical sem precedentes analógicas.

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sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020

Learn More About Kluduro

Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro! Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC. The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term! Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”. Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide. We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially… Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley! Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition! That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely. In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs! #Kludurista Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them! Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro. Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes… Visit it www.Kluduro.blogspot.com Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre. #VivaKluduro

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2020

Great Song Kluduro About Life of Paizão Musicalista / Powered by: Kludur...

 Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKludurista #Kluduro 

 Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro!

Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. 

The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment… 


 Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com 


 Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro 


quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2020

Great Song Kluduro About Life of Paizão Musicalista / Powered by: Kludur...

 Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere...
#VivaKludurista #Kluduro
 Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro! 

 Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment…

 Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com

 Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro

Watch Up Now Paizão Musicalista [Official Audio] by Kludurista

Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere...
#VivaKludurista #Kluduro

 Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro! 

 Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment…



Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com
 Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro


Nous aimons Kluduro Comme Vous POUR TOUJOURS

 Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKludurista #Kluduro

 Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro!

 Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment…


 Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com


 Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro


Nous aimons Kluduro Comme Vous POUR TOUJOURS

 Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere...
#VivaKludurista #Kluduro

 Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro! 

 Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment… 


 Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro 

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com 


 Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro 


Do U Keep on Luving The Music Kluduro ?

 Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... 

#VivaKludurista #Kluduro

Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro! 

Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment…


 Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro 

 Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com 


 Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro


terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2020

Paizão Musicalista singing Chutes & Chutes / Sponsored by: Kluduro Enter...

Hey Girls and Guys,
Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere...

#VivaKludurista #Kluduro

Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro!

Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…

Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment…


Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com


Follows on Social Medias > @Kluduro


Paizão Musicalista [Official Audio] by Kludurista

Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2020


Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro!

It is ma song of Kluduro made in > http://soundcloud.com/kluduro

Then, we can beginning 4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…
Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!
That has the modes following, Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro” however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!
Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…
Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre
Art develop every moment…
Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com


domingo, 20 de setembro de 2020

Paizão Musicalista singing Chutes & Chutes / Sponsored by: Kluduro Enter...

This is a good musical and dance genre of Angola /O que é Kluduro? Sejam bem-vindos/as a Kludurolândia : Um mundo onde só se fala de Kluduro! Kluduro é um género musical e de dança criado em Angola desde 25 de Maio de 2010, por uma comunidade denominada por : Kluduristas! Relativamente, chama-se Kludurista, a qualquer pessoa que faça esse género de Música ou de Dança. É uma nova proposta musical que visa determinar uma nova abordagem da Arte meramente livre assim como, descobrir-se novos modus operandi que irão trazer uma perspectiva sem igual dentro desta estrita teia musical circunda-nos afavelmente. Kluduro para além de ser um género de Arte também pode-se considerar como um estilo de vida, pautando na originalidade, criatividade, autenticidade, diversidade, musicalidade e na simplicidade pois que abraça essa identidade musical, acarreta de igual modo um identidade musical de o/a difira doutrem então ser Kludurista, significa fazer ou sentir Kluduro. Realcemos de que também é uma nova corrente musical que estará muito presente na vida das angolanas e dos angolanos cuja, ideologia musical toca aos princípios da liberdade musical ou artística caso prefiramos a considerar. Kluduro quanto suas letras e composições em sua originalidade, é constituído por refrães, rimas e nalgumas vezes versos musicais cantados ou declamados musicalmente e não esquecendo-se dum pequeníssimo detalhe tais formas são cantadas ou proclamadas de uma forma rápida, trazendo cadência que lhas são características. Não obstante, composto por recursos de várias naturezas, quaisquer Kluduristas que seja deverá mostrar-se com uma inexplicável ambição que far-lhe-á chegar ao pico de sua criatividade musical sem precedentes analógicas.

Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Kludurista Paizão Musicalista/ The Life No Stops, Sponsored by; Kluduro ...


 Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Happy Sundays Kludurists


 Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2020

Are U READY 4 Luv Kluduro?

Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro!Then, we can beginning  4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!That has the modes following,  Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro”  however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs! Same with this OUTBREAK of COVID_19 becoming of Chine became oneself in the Global Trouble, despite of it, we are working with some restrictions promoting always Kluduro showing on Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Ocean continents! Our solidarity with the WORLD because Kluduro too celebrates the life in all sense of humanity. Is respond sometimes the critics of all PEOPLE that want shot down or shot up this musical genre naturally saying with all letters we believe that Kludurowill get win all competitions of this musical savage (comic saying)…Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!
Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…
Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.
Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment… 

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.


Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro
Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com


 Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

sábado, 12 de setembro de 2020

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2020

Kluduro Press

Note of Press of Kluduro

Welcome 2 all lyricists, composers, followers, singers, fans and dancers of Kluduro aka Music Kluduro!

Then, we can beginning  4 saying that Kluduro is the musical genre founded in Angola 2 around worldwide without forget neither word here. The date of this creation officially is marked since 25 of May of 2010 at Angola peculiarly in Kwanza Norte more particularly on Ndalatando City,NC.

The girls and Guys that make maybe doing Kluduro as musical or dance genre, call oneself: Kludurists or the same, Kluduristas meantime Kludurista on singular term!

Therefore, the best objective of Kluduro Entertainment that is a company that dedicates oneself exclusively on all troubles and solutions of Kluduro has as most objective: Rename the musical term kuduro forward Kluduro, hence WE SAY THAT IS “ KLUDURO”.

Nowadays we are working everyday 4 give the good appearance on KLuduro being as musical genre being as art genre, this is us strongly thinking in our considerations of FREE MUSIC. Now, we realize activities in Angola speaking at Africa widely because we want give firstly 2 our PEOPLE new opportunity 4 know Ourselves as “ Creators of Kluduro” always 4 Us the KLUDURO, will be the best musical genre 2 around worldwide.

We came here firstly 2 express our thankisgivings and greetings 4 all PEOPLE, that have supported amazingly this musical genre developing his dynamic of his Modus Operandi on this Music Worldwide. We are too focused on economic and commerce space through the Musical Industry that we signed as members of “Kluduro Entertainment” we are talking about musical company specially…

Some guys are saying that Kluduro is a lie meanwhile WE RESPECT THEIR OPINION we too keep on celebrating the Kluduro of form various but means of we want knock out the musical liberty a time that Music Freedom is our branding way henceforth We promote our Artistic Ideology with very LOVE ON MUSIC because each Kludurista Luv Kluduro directly on the mind still heart deeply. No delay, profiting all possible time we want request 4 U that support Kluduro economically and artistically without forget neither adrenaline on Free Music and anyone has the Right of express everything that think till “was rhymed” smiley!

Kluduro needs of all forces and supports, being our life style is our work give all collaboration of this reality with musical adrenalin… Knowing the musical structure of this musical genre it is composed by: a Musical Composition!

That has the modes following,  Choir, Rhymes sleeping here form: ABABA (Choir, Rhymes, Choir, Rhymes, Choir) consequently as a mayority common classical simples form only we spoke about Compositions yet hat the sounds, letters and other elements that are produced on Art of Music nicely.

In name of Kluduro as on Musical Ideology, Life Style and Art, we (Kluduro Entertainment) want request “PARDON” 4 all problems and suffering caused for this musical genre “Kluduro”  however it is everything that we consider relevant 4 try respond all blames that is carried on this Kluduro World. Is necessary that KLuduro remember always all realities and fantasy that exists in place trying but no betraying this new vision of Music specially saying without very doubts or possible questions, giving royalties with security on these crazy and specially songs!


Same with this OUTBREAK of COVID_19 becoming of Chine became oneself in the Global Trouble, despite of it, we are working with some restrictions promoting always Kluduro showing on Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Ocean continents! Our solidarity with the WORLD because Kluduro too celebrates the life in all sense of humanity. Is respond sometimes the critics of all PEOPLE that want shot down or shot up this musical genre naturally saying with all letters we believe that Kludurowill get win all competitions of this musical savage (comic saying)…

Kluduro and each Kludurista, need directly of the supports of all journalists, bloggers, musicians, composers, choreographers, artistes, entrepreneurs, members of society, friends, fans, followers, freelancers and all PEOPLE, only so it will go so far glorifying the “ART” in all dimension meantime we want protect this “Wonderful Gold of Music”. Some girls and boys, want know: What is this musical genre… questioning themselves together… Whereof this musical genre… but the response no arrive on them!

Kluduro for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.
Kluduro feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…
Today we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.
Kluduro aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
Kluduro wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this genre Art develop every moment… 



Follow on Twitter: @Kluduro

Send us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com


Official Site > Kluduro.blogspot.com




Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Vocal Music of Kluduro [Lyricist & Singer Paizão Musicalista] Love This ...

Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Happy Day Fans and Followers of Kluduro

for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words
moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a
new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO” is so
young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about
Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone
that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly
the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music
Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can
to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.
feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget
neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration
about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…
we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be
always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility
with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any
space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre
or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other
bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of
Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need
expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…
wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this
genre Art develop every moment…

Follow on
Twitter: @Kluduro
us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com
Site > Kluduro.blogspot.com


Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Paizão Musicalista singing Chutes & Chutes / Sponsored by: Kluduro Enter...

for ourselves is everything that we we need without neither other words
moreover as musical genre is a propriety of Angolan Nation brighting 2 Africa a
new emotions and adrenaline on young of around world because “ KLUDURO”

  • is so
    young in all considerations together. Well, Is the time for to speak about
    Kludurista aka Kludurist is an artiste of Kluduro nevertheless it is too anyone
    that Luv Kluduro therefore is the “Person of Kluduro” singing it hear amazingly
    the vocal proud of Music Kluduro, dancing we see the real Movement of Music
    Kluduro and composing we think on fun Technical of Music Kluduro while we can
    to say these are the Offices of this personality of Kluduro.

feat Kludurista, are and always will be connected on Music without forget
neither responsibility through this musical illusion with so much consideration
about this Home of Free Kluduro because it is only a FREEDOM 4 Their Artistes…
we want invest all our forces on Kluduro because we know maybe that it will be
always the Joyful of our PEOPLE and on the world we no deny of our responsibility
with this musical genre without a long history for 2 count.

aka Music Kluduro claims for your attentions only it will help itself meet any
space 4 show everything of this musical identity where are this musical genre
or style is any Kludurista if U know or not with the life running way in other
bad directions liking new adventures with all funs up deeply known on heart of
Music Kluduro because Kluduro is really everything of our life and we are need
expressing it on the WORLD with all letters…

wants thanx everyday and in everywhere all PEOPLE that luv and are helping this
genre Art develop every moment…

Follow on
Twitter: @Kluduro
us emails > Kluduro1@gmail.com
Site > Kluduro.blogspot.com


 Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro

Kluduro By Kludurista [Official SoundTrack] Go Up

Hey Girls and Guys, Come On Celebrate Kluduro Everyday With Us In Everywhere... #VivaKluduro #Kludurista #Kluduro